
Version Serial Size CRC32 Number of Codes
Hospital. 6-nin no Ishi
(Japan) (JA) SPTJEB 4483M 6
Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5
(USA) (EN) RO5E52 4483M 3
Hot Wheels: Beat That!
(USA) (EN) RHWE52 4483M 16
House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return, The
(Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It) RHDP8P 4483M E0417404 12
(USA) (En,Fr,Es) RHDE8P 4483M 804280C2 11
House of the Dead, The - Overkill
(Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) RHOP8P 4483M 59EF0ED6 10
(USA) (En,Fr,Es,It) RHOE8P 4483M 79A26AB2 17
How to Train Your Dragon
(USA) (EN,FR) SHDE52 4483M 845D10EC 230
Hugo: Magic in the Troll Woods
(Europe) (EN,SE,DK,NO,FI) SHOYKR 4483M 6EE5BD1C 3
Hyper Fighters
(Europe) (EN,ES) SHSPXT 4483M 10
(USA) (EN) SHSE20 4483M 10
Hysteria Hospital: Emergency Ward