System Stats
Total Games 3558
Games w/ Codes 11
Total Codes 47
Recent Activity
Legend of Mana
Buy even without money in stores luc-ita
Katana ZERO
Power doesn't drain luc-ita
Time stopped luc-ita
SEGA Ages Out Run
Lap timer stopped luc-ita
Time always at 99 luc-ita
Azure Striker GUNVOLT 3 (rev001) (Japan) [Rev 1.0.0]
Infinite talismans against enemies and barriers luc-ita
NoDamage+1HitKill luc-ita
Time always at zero luc-ita
One talisman to break down barrier protection luc-ita
Untouchable/invulnerableUntouchable/invulnerable luc-ita
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