
Version Serial Size CRC32 Number of Codes
Knockout Kings 2001
(NTSC-U) SLUS-20150 0K 85
(PAL-Unk) SLES-50130 0K 8
Knockout Kings 2002
(NTSC-U) SLUS-20369 0K 120
(PAL-Unk) SLES-50802 0K 44
Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate: The Shield of AIGIS
(NTSC-J) SLPM-55098 0K 3
Kokoro no Tobira
(NTSC-J) SLPS-25349 0K 3
Konneko - Keep a Memory Green
[Limited Edition] (NTSC-J) SLPM-66152 0K 3
Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o - Melody of the Sun and Sea
(NTSC-J) SLPM-66695 0K 6
Kono Haretasora no Shita de
(NTSC-J) SLPM-65925 0K 2
Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan
[PlayStation 2 The Best] (NTSC-J) SLPS-73101 0K 3
Kujibiki Unbalance - Kaichou Onegai Smash Fight
(NTSC-J) SLPS-25729 0K 2
Kung Fu Panda
(NTSC-U) SLUS-21757 0K 2
(NTSC-U) SLUS-21007 0K 255
Kuon no Kizuna Sairin Mikotonori
(NTSC-J) SLPS-25136 0K 3
Kuri Kuri Mix
(PAL-Unk) SLES-50224 0K 52
Kuri no Okurimono
[First Print Special Edition] (NTSC-J) SLPM-66870 0K 2
Kurogane no Houkou - Warship Commander
(NTSC-J) SLPM-62042 0K 3