
Version Serial Size CRC32 Number of Codes
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
(USA, Europe) 7007 256K 8CBEF0C1 38
Wonder Boy in Monster World
(Europe) 9012, 9012-50, GB4021JG 512K 7D7CE80B 43
Woody Pop - Shinjinrui no Block Kuzushi
(Japan) C-519 32K 315917D4 6
World Class Leader Board
(Europe, Brazil) 27015-50, 025.330 256K C9A449B7 2
World Cup Italia '90 ~ Super Futebol II
(Europe, Brazil) 5084, 023.340 128K 6E1AD6FD 1
World Cup USA 94
(Europe, Brazil) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv) 29028-50, 29028-05, 29028-06, 29028-09, 29028-18, 028.430 512K A6BF8F9E 1
World Games
(Europe, Brazil) 5114 128K A2A60BC8 6
World Grand Prix
(USA, Brazil) 5080, GB-1304 128K 7B369892 4
World Soccer ~ Great Soccer ~ Super Futebol
(World) G-1327, 5059 128K 72112B75 1
X-Men - Mojo World
(Brazil) 028.740 512K 3E1387F6 5
Xenon 2 - Megablast
(Europe) 27012-50 256K 5C205EE1 1
(Europe) (Rev 1) 27038-50 256K EC726C0D 1
Ys - The Vanished Omens
(USA, Europe, Brazil) 7501 256K B33E2827 18
(SG-1000) 32K 905467E4 3
Zaxxon 3-D
(World) G-1336, 8002 256K A3EF13CB 8
(World) (Beta) 256K BBA74147 2
(Japan, Europe) (En,Ja) G-1325, 5075 128K 60C19645 13
(USA, Europe) (Rev 1) 5075 128K 5718762C 4