We make this Guide for you for getting a better feeling to hack Codes. So we take many examples how we hacked Codes (mostly with Labels). This Guide will be continuesly updatet. In-Game Options Turning Off and On In-Game Options Code might be pointless, but they are there especially if you have parents who wont buy you games with blood or violence. IF not, then this will help you build your confidence to look at labels or symbols more carefully. Game: Max Payne 2 "AutoAim Toggle" 005b8c70 6f747541 .byte Jump it 002625d0 24a58c70 addiu a1, a1, $8c70 ("AutoAim Toggle") 002625d4 0c0d9630 jal $003658c0 0036f230 3c01005a lui at, $005a 0036f234 03e00008 jr ra 0036f238 a0242730 sb a0, $2730(at) (005a2730) 005a2730 00000001 (movci) zero, zero, zero <-Auto Aiming on 005A2730 00000001 Auto Aim On 005A2730 00000000 Auto Aim Off "BulletTimeAid Toggle" 005b8cc0 6c6c7542 jump address 005b8cc0 00262468 24a58cc0 addiu a1, a1, $8cc0 0026246c 0c0a1f94 jal $00287e50 00287e50 3c010059 lui at, $0059 00287e54 03e00008 jr ra 00287e58 a02464f0 sb a0, $64f0(at) (005964f0) 005964f0 00000001 (movci) zero, zero, zero 005964F0 00000001 Bullet Time Aid On 005964F0 00000000 Bullet Time Aid Off "AutoWeaponSelect Toggle" 005b8c80 6f747541 jump address 005b8c80 00262418 24a58c80 addiu a1, a1, $8c80 0026241c 0c0d9634 jal $003658d0 003658d0 3c01005a lui at, $005a 003658d4 03e00008 jr ra 003658d8 a0242728 sb a0, $2728(at) (005a2728) 005a2728 00000001 (movci) zero, zero, zero 005A2728 00000001 Auto Weapon Change On 005A2728 00000000 Auto Weapon Change Off Game: Ghost Recon- Jungle Storm "BloodOn" 001442b8 24a5f288 addiu a1, a1, $f288 001442bc 10400005 beq v0, zero, $001442d4 001442d4 8c2584e8 lw a1, $84e8(at) (__005684E8) 005684E8 00000001 Blood On 005684E8 00000000 Blood Off Cannot Be Hit Alternate Infinite Health Code Cannot Be Hit (Untouchable) These codes are an alternative inf health, but some things can still damage you. check_damage Game: Rouge Ops OnShoot__12NXBhv_PlayerP11NXBHV_SHOOT 001c3b80 27bdffc0 addiu sp, sp, $ffc0 001c3b84 2402000c addiu v0, zero, $000c Can't Be Hit* 201C3B80 03E00008 201C3B84 00000000 *Physical Hits take damage, but you can't be shot :) Game: Devil May Cry Player_damage_check 00152560 27bdff80 addiu sp, sp, $ff80 00152564 7fbf0020 sq ra, $0020(sp) Inf Health 20152560 03E00008 20152564 00000000 *Special Enemgy attacks can do damage though, the rest go right through you. Weapon/ Item Manipulating Weapon/ Item Manipulating (.word) First of all, NOT all games would have codes like these! They take alot of searching if you never played the game. I suggest you play the game for some time until you feel comfortable that you know what you want to look for. You can use this to get weapons or change the attributes of some weapons/items in some games. This is very usefully when building your Item/Weapon Mod. values Game: Legacy of Kain- Defiance Jump to the address 0026feec which is Kain's Reaver 0026feec 0028d3c0 .word ("Kain's Reavers") 0026fef0 001317b0 .word $001317b0 (__001317b0) the 2nd lines data/value is the value for the reaver Always Have Kain's Reaver 2026FEEC 001317B0 Since this is his default weapon it would be the best address to use. So we have Kain's Reaver Modifier 2026FEEC xxxxxxxx **Raziel's Reaver Modifier 2026FED4 xxxxxxxx look below and you show see ("Spectral Reaver") and the line below it with the data/value 00131810 so now we have 001317B0 Kain's Reaver 00131810 Spectral Reaver go through the rest of the area and get the Reaver values.. You should have a list like this 00131790 Raziel's Reaver 001317B0 Kain's Reaver 001317D0 Material 001317F0 Blood 00131810 Spectral 00131830 Dark 00131850 Light 00131870 Air 00131890 Fire 001318B0 Water 001318D0 Earth 001318F0 Spirit 00131990 Sprit Kain 00131970 Dimension pillar 00131910 Conflict pillar 00131930 Time pillar 00131950 Energy pillar NOTE!!! YOU DO NOT WANT HAVE TWO (2) OF THESE CODES ON AT THE SAME TIME. IT WILL FREEZE YOUR GAME. The best thing for you to do is Joker the values Example- Kain's Reaver Modifier D.......0000???? <-- Insert Joker 2026FEEC 00131830 Dark Reaver D.......0000???? <-- Insert Joker 2026FEEC 00131850 Light Reaver D.......0000???? <-- Insert Joker 2026FEEC 00131890 Fire Reaver D.......0000???? <-- Insert Joker 2026FEEC 001318B0 Water Reaver D.......0000???? <-- Insert Joker 2026FEEC 001318F0 Spirit Reaver use different combos likes L1+X for Dark Reaver, L1+0 for Fire Reaver, make sure to check each joker combo different, and make sure they dont conflict like L1+L2 for spirit reaver then having L1+L2+R1 for Earth Reaver. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT!!! Infinite Health Infinite Health There are many different ways to find inf health and there are many different labels, but they usually contain the words player, guage, damage, dead, health, HP, life, meter, update, etc. They take some testing and alot of searching if you just beginning. Damage is your best bet! Game: Devil May Cry Player_damage_check 00152560 27bdff80 addiu sp, sp, $ff80 00152564 7fbf0020 sq ra, $0020(sp) Inf Health 20152560 03E00008 20152564 00000000 Game: Biohazard- Code Veronica X CheckDamage 001e4000 27bdff80 addiu sp, sp, $ff80 001e4004 7fbf0020 sq ra, $0020(sp) Inf Health 201E4000 03E00008 201E4004 00000000 Game: Shadow Man 2 OBJ_PLAYER_ProcessDamage 0010c0f0 27bdff50 addiu sp, sp, $ff50 0010c0f4 ffb40070 sd s4, $0070(sp) Inf Health 2010C0F0 03E00008 2010C0F4 00000000 Game: Resident Evil- Code Veronica X bhStandPlayerMotion 00139dd0 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 sq ra, $0000(sp) 00139dd8 3c010030 lui at, $0030 lw a0, $3ca0(at) 00139de0 8c83041c lw v1, $041c(a0) {004326fc} <-Inf Health bhCheckPlayerKegaMotion 0013a200 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 0013a204 7fbf0000 sq ra, $0000(sp) 0013a208 3c010030 lui at, $0030 0013a20c 8c273ca0 lw a3, $3ca0(at) 0013a210 8ce3041c lw v1, $041c(a3) {004326fc} <-Inf Health bhInitPlayer {addiu sp, sp, $fff0} 001389a0 ac64041c sw a0, $041c(v1) {004326fc} 001389b0 ac64041c sw a0, $041c(v1) {004326fc} bhResetPlayer 00139a94 ac43041c sw v1, $041c(v0) {004326fc} 00139a9c 8c83041c lw v1, $041c(a0) {004326fc} Inf Health 104326FC 000000A0 (Condition is always FINE) Game: Rouge Ops IsDead__12NXBhv_Player {ori v0, zero, $9c70} 001c57bc c4800018 lwc1 $f0, $0018(a0) Load Word to Floating point^ :P 001c57c0 46010036 c.le.s $f0, $f1 Floating Point Compare^ Inf Health 201C57BC C4800014 201C57C0 E4800018 (Thanks CMX) Game: Hitman 2 _ZN8ZHITMAN217OnDamageNotifyRefEv 0015c370 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 0015c374 0080182d daddu v1, a0, zero jump address 0015c370 0015c7d8 0c0570dc jal $0015c370 0015c7dc e6200de8 swc1 $f0, $0de8(s1) <- Inf Health Store Word from Floating Point^ Inf Health 2015C7DC 00000000 Game: Gladiator- Sword of Vengence "player" 003376b8 79616c70 .byte Jump address 003376b8 0013e4bc 248476b8 addiu a0, a0, $76b8 now you have to start testing!!! 0013e5c0 c46001f4 lwc1 $f0, $01f4(v1) <- Inf Health 200C0230 'E46101F4' <- Increased Value of the Orignal address's data 200C0234 03E00008 jr ra 200C0238 'C46001F4' <- Original Value of Desired Address '2013E5C0' 0C03008C <- Address and 0C03008C as value Code By: CMX Game: 007 NightFire (action.elf) HUD_UpdateHealthPane__FP6BLDataP11HUDPANE_tagP7obj_tag 0019b9c8 27bdff40 addiu sp, sp, $ff40 0019bd24 00000000 nop 0019bd2c 00000000 nop Hit Anywhere Hit Anywhere Look for labels such as Hit, range, hitrange, hitrate, Game: Capcom Vs. SNK2 hit_range_ck 0014d510 808200a4 lb v0, $00a4(a0) 0014d514 10400004 beq v0, zero, $0014d528 Player1 Can Hit Anywhere 2014D510 03E00008 2014D514 0085102B or Jump hit_range_ck 001464c0 0c053544 jal $0014d510 001464c4 00433821 addu a3, v0, v1 001464c8 24030001 li, $00000001 [addiu v1, zero, $0001] 001464cc 14430024 bne v0, v1, $00146560 Player1 Can Hit Anywhere* 201464C8 0232102B 201464CC 14400024 *For Player2 the label would be hit_range_ck2 Infinite Time Infinite Time look for labels that contain the word or words time Game: Devil May Cry Search for Timer_set and Timer_off Timer_set 00137220 24030001 addiu v1, zero, $0001 Timer_off 00137240 3c01005b lui at, $005b Go to Label Timer_set Press Space Bar, and then press F3 Invoke Analyzer if you have not already press F3 til you come to a litle section that looks like or similar to this 004a0b18 0c04dc88 jal $00137220 (Timer_set) 004a0b1c 8c25f780 lw a1, $f780(at) {005af780} 004a0b20 1000000f beq zero, zero, $004a0b60 004a0b24 7bbf0010 lq ra, $0010(sp) 004a0b28 0c04dc90 jal $00137240 (Timer_off) Address 004a0b1c is your code. Load Word gave it away. Go to its reference point 005af780 00000000 nop Tested and works Final Code 205AF780 00000000 Warp Codes Warp Codes Game: Capcom vs. SNK 2 (Slus_202.46) * Needs a Joker to make, see bottom of text for Jokers player_move_main 002672b0 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 Look above it 002672a0 a02317a4 sb v1, $17a4(at) (__004817a4) Only Reffer i saw 004817a4 00000000 nop Start Testing Addresses with a Joker (Saves time) 004817b0 00000000 < Moon Jump but that is for a different guide 004817bc 00000000 < Warp to Middle of Screen Player1 Warp Code P1 104817BC 0000???? back at player_move_main, above 002672a0 was another reffer 00267294 a0231d74 sb v1, $1d74(at) (__00481d74) 00481d74 00000000 nop Start Testing Addresses with a Joker 00481d90 00000000 < Moon Jump but that is for a different guide 00481d9c 00000000 < Warp to Middle of Screen Player2 Warp Code P2 10481d9C 0000???? 0000 - Middle 0200 - Right FE00 - Left Revere Joker Commands i found Controller 1 D045F2C2 0000???? pad_dma_buf_03 D045F3C2 0000???? pad_dma_buf_02 D045F4C2 0000???? pad_dma_buf_01 D045F5C2 0000???? pad_dma_buf_00 D045F852 0000???? ps2pad_state Controller 2 D045F7F2 0000???? Use Item for Max Item Max out the Items Use Item for Max Item If you have the Inf Item Usage code then you will be in the general area Basically if you find the Item menu area you are close then anything :) Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 dataBoxPtrGet 002bcaf8 2c82000b sltiu v0, a0, $000b Jump the address 002bcaf8 002bcc04 0c0af2be jal $002bcaf8 Your in the dataBoxDec sub routine 002bcc20 00a32821 addu a1, a1, v1 < use Item For max Item Use Item for Max Item 202BCC20 24050063 Game: .Hack//Vol.1 Infection DelItem__10ccSaveDataFiiii 00177af0 14a0000e bne a1, zero, $00177b2c 00177b74 00681823 subu v1, v1, t0 <- use Item for Max Use Item for Max Item 20177B74 24030063 Infinite Item Usuage Infinite Item Usage *Extra Items- some will use the original value, just subtract 2 from it these codes are usually trial and error when you find the area. Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 dataItmBoxDec 002bcc88 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 002bcc9c 080af2fe j $002bcbf8 (dataBoxDec) dataBoxDec 002bcbf8 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 002bcc2c a4850000 sh a1, $0000(a0) < Inf Item Usage Inf Item Usage 202BCC2C 00000000 dataItmBoxDec 002bcc88 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 002bcc9c 080af2fe j $002bcbf8 (dataBoxDec) dataBoxDec 002bcbf8 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 002bcc1c 3405ffff ori a1, zero, $ffff < Extra Items Extra Items 102BCC1C 00000001 Game: .Hack//Vol.1 Infection DelItem__10ccSaveDataFiiii 00177af0 14a0000e bne a1, zero, $00177b2c 00177b6c 10200005 beq at, zero, $00177b84 <- Inf Item Usage 00177b7c 1000000d beq zero, zero, $00177bb4 <- Inf item Usage they both have the same effect Inf Item Usage 20177b6c 00000000 20177b7c 00000000 DelItem__10ccSaveDataFiiii 00177af0 14a0000e bne a1, zero, $00177b2c 00177b74 00681823 subu v1, v1, t0 <- Extra Items Extra Items 20177b74 00681821 if you check the value to 24030063 you will get Use one Item for Max Items! Moon Jump Super Jump Codes Moon Jumps Game: Shadow Man 2 UpdatePlayerGravity 00105298 3c020034 lui v0, $0034 lets do some testing 001052a4 c441be98 lwc1 $f1, $be98(v0) (_Time) looks Interesting especially the time 201052a4 0000000 - did crap 201052a4 0000050 - Arc jumps are Larger 201052a4 0000090 - Arc jumps are even Larger 201052a4 00000A0 - Arc Jump is Huge Moon Jump1 201052a4 00000A0 Game: Shadow Man 2 UpdatePlayerGravity 001052c8 e48200cc swc1 $f2, $00cc(a0) Moon Jump2 (Triangle) D02F7f82 0000EFFF 201052C8 00000000 D02F7f82 0010EFFF 201052C8 E48200CC ---------------------------- Game: Capcom vs. SNK 2 player_move_main 002672b0 27bdfff0 addiu sp, sp, $fff0 Look above it 002672a0 a02317a4 sb v1, $17a4(at) (__004817a4) Only Reffer i saw 004817a4 00000000 nop Start Testing Addresses 004817b0 00000000 < Moon Jump I was originaly looking for a warp code when i bumped into this More Will Come... Invincible Alternate Infinite Health Look for labels like Invincible, "invincible" Game: Shadow Man 2 GLOBAL_Invincible 002bbf04 00000000 nop Invincible 202bbf04 00000001 Game: Legacy of Kain- Defiance ("Invincible") 0026fe44 0028d348 .word {jr at} 0026fe48 00339724 .word $00339724(_00339724){and s2, at, s3} Invincible 10339724 00000000 Infinite Ammo Infinite Ammo There are alot of ways to find inf Ammo (Extra Ammo also) Extra ammo is usually four (4) addresses before Inf Ammo Inf Ammo is usually a Store Word (sw) Look for labels such as Ammo, Weapon, Gear, Weapongear, player gear, reload Grand Theft Auto 3 FireFromCar__7CWeaponFP11CAutomobileb {addiu sp, sp, $ffd0} 001a2fb4 ae220008 sw v0, $0008(s1) 001a2fd4 ae22000c sw v0, $000c(s1) Inf Ammo (in Car) 201A2FB4 00000000 201A2FD4 00000000 Fire__7CWeaponFP7CEntityP7CVector {addiu sp, sp, $ff50} 001a34e8 ae620008 sw v0, $0008(s3) 001a3508 ae62000c sw v0, $000c(s3) Inf Ammo 201A34E8 00000000 201A3508 00000000 Game: Rouge Ops Fire__23NXBhv_PlayerGear_WeaponUi {addiu sp, sp, $ffb0} 001aacb4 ae42000c sw v0, $000c(s2) Inf Ammo 201AACB4 00000000 Extra Ammo {001aacb0 00451023 subu v0, v0, a1} 201AACB0 00451021 Game: Hitman 2 _ZN17ZActionReloadItem12ReloadWeaponEP11ZItemWeapon 002ca3c0 addiu sp, sp, $ffa0 002ca448 02303023 subu a2, s1, s0 Inf Ammo 202CA448 26260000 Game: 007 Night Fire (action.elf) Player_ReloadAmmoType__FP7obj_tagSc 001a1988 8c8300dc lw v1, $00dc(a0) some testing around 001a1a44 a5030000 sh v1, $0000(t0) <- Inf Ammo Inf Ammo 201A1A44 00000000 Idiot AI Idiot AI/ Enemy Cannot move Look for labels like Action, comaction, actioncom, action_cpu, noaction, nomove, chase, route Sometimes it's also the last movci address in the elf like in Socom! Game: WWE- Here Comes The Pain ComAction__16CComCharWrestlerFv 00268e90 27bdffc0 addiu sp, sp, $ffc0 00268e94 3c010053 lui at, $0053 Idiot AI 20268E90 03E00008 20268E94 00000000 ComAction__14CComCharRefreeFv 002fd020 27bdffd0 addiu sp, sp, $ffd0 002fd024 3c010053 lui at, $0053 Idiot AI (Ref) 202FD020 03E00008 202FD024 00000000 Game: Shadow Man 2 BaddyNoMove 002bb29c 00000000 nop Idiot Ai 202bb29c 00000001 Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 Enemy_Chase 002cbde8 27bdff60 addiu sp, sp, $ff60 002cbdec 240338b0 addiu v1, zero, $38b0 Jump address 002cbde8 002cdac0 0c0b2f7a jal $002cbde8 Enemy Can't Move 202CDAC0 0C0B2E84 Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 Enemy_Route_Chase 002ccd58 27bdffa0 addiu sp, sp, $ffa0 002ccd5c 240338b0 addiu v1, zero, $38b0 Jump address 002ccd58 002cdb40 0c0b3356 jal $002ccd58 Enemy Can't Move 202CDB40 0C0B2E84 Game: War of the Monsters getRelevance__13AiActionTupleR2Ai 00102d90 27bdffd0 addiu sp, sp, $ffd0 00102d94 7fb10010 sq s1, $0010(sp) Idiot AI 20102D90 03E00008 20102D94 00000000 Infinite Money $$$ Infinite & Max Money look for labels such as money, cash, gold, dinero, ruppess, credits, funds, if you play the game and you know what they call money look for that. Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 moneyBox 004dbb68 00000000 nop 104DBB68 0000FFFF Infinite Money 204DBB68 FFFFFFFF Max Money Game: Xenosaga Episode 1 dataMoneyBoxDec 002bce70 df83bff8 ld v1, $bff8(gp) 002bce74 0064282f dsubu a1, v1, a0 Alot of Gold 202BCE74 0064282D