Spell Editing... This requires a GSpro or a comms link. Address where spell data starts: (cure 1 data is first) 800708C8 Ok, You will see something a little bit like this: 800708C8 0E FF FF 00 00 28 00 0E = MP needed to cast 800708D0 0D 00 25 20 20 Power of spell 25 Something to do with below 00 Spell effect 0D Unsure what this is Spell effect digit: This controls what the spell looks like in battle. 00=Cure 01=Cure2.... ect ect... 44= Trine 46= ???? (That's the name of the spell) 47= Goblin Punch I think 48= Glitch 49= Death Sentance (Looks like heart... off-pallet) 4A= glitch 4B= Glitch 4C= Shadow Flare 4D= Pandoras Box 4E - 5D = Summons Note about summons. They glitch... Not right away. But as soon as it tries to load the 3d model of the summon creature it will glitch. Except for KotR, It actually makes it to the 3rd or 4th knight and then glitches. 5E = Glitch Not sure what that next digit does... Spell power: This modifies how powerfull the spell is... it also has something to do with effect... becuase 20 seems to fill up your life... but 82 has the same power as Cure3... So I am not 100% sure exactly how it works yet. This text was brought to you by GSHI.org, unless someone else gave it to you, in which case it was only written by someone at GSHI.org. Heheh.