First of all let's take a look at TSearch. On the main screen there are some buttons and one of them is "open process" If you go there you will see all of the programs that are open. So let's play The Witcher, start a new game. Press Alt and Tab so you can go to the desktop. Go to TSearch and press the 'open process' button. You will see "Witcher.exe", left click it and press open. Now below the "open process" button there are other buttons. One of them is called "Init new search". Press this one (you can't press the other ones anyway). Now I'm going to explain what all these options are: "Exact value" is used when you know the value you're looking for (i.e. you have 20 White Myrtle petals). "Range" is used when you know the value is between two numbers (i.e. you have 1-2 lives but you don't really know). "Unknown value" is used when you don't know the value you're looking for (it's used for energy bars mostly). Now I bet you're wondering what all these bytes are. "1 byte" is used when the value can be between 0-255. "2 bytes" is used when the value can be between 0-65535. "4 bytes" is used when the value can be between 0-4294967295. "8 bytes" is used when the value can be between 0-18446744073709551615. "Float" is used when the value can be between 1.2E-38-3.4E38, it's used for games like Zoo Tycoon and Age Of Empires. "Double" is used when the value can be between 2.2E-308-1.8E308. Now that I explained that we can continue. We're still on TSearch and we're ready to search the memory for 999 of any herb in your inventory. We're going to use "exact value". Collect at least 10 White Myrtle Petals. Then open your inventory. While your inventory window is still open, press Alt then Tab to leave the game and go back to Tsearch. Put 10 on the value box and "2 bytes" on the type box. There are going to be many addresses so we have to do it again, so click ok. Go back in the game and press Ctrl and left-click on your mouse while on the White Myrtle petals.this will give you 9 petals. Now go back to TSearch and press the "search next" button that is next to "init new search". The only thing you have to do is change is the value to 9. If there are still many addresses then you have to do it again until you have four to eight addresses. Once you find the addresses (could be one which is better but it'll most likely be more in this case) double click on the first one so that it'll "transfer" to the table on the right and change the value to whatever you want (up to 999). Go back in the game and see if your White Myrtle Petals changed to the number you put on TSearch. If it didn't change, go back to TSearch delete the address you changed by selecting it and pressing the "X" button and transfer the second address to the table. Repeat the process until you find the right one. Save your game and repeat for your next herb or ingredient.