Game Software Code Creators Club ------------------------------------------------------------------ Faq written by Code Master Bryan Black - [email protected] - President ****************************************************************** The Walk Thru Walls FAQ!! Version 1.10 - Last Updated On 10-23-99 ****************************************************************** Version Notes: 1.00 - Initial Release, may have spelling errors, etc.. :) 1.01 - Proof Read & Webmasters & FAQ Writers Note Added. 1.10 - Added Specification For 3D Games. Webmasters & FAQ Writers: Do NOT add this to any other FAQ. You may add it for download on your wepage, provided you do not change anything, and you do not add it to any other FAQ, html page, etc.. ****************************************************************** Welcome to the first GSCCC Faq in a long ass time!! ****************************************************************** This faq is designed to help people learn how to hack the elusive Walk Thru Walls code. Normally, this code is harder than hell to make!! I mean, literally. For myself to make this kind of code it takes about 1 to 30 hours just to make this extraordinary code. (And they say Code Master isn't dedicated to his work!! Bah!!) So, naturally, I was searching for a faster way to make this code. And, FINALLY, I have done it!!! This new method will work for ALL 2D games, and should work for most 3D games. (There is a specification for it to work for a 3D Game.) ****************************************************************** Information That Is Needed To Know Before Tackling This Code ****************************************************************** While your character is walking, or while they are not walking, there is a value in RAM that tells the CPU whether or not you are able to walk at all. This value is used to tell the CPU whether or not to move your character on the screen. I call it the 'Collision Detection Address', because basically, the game checked to see if there was any structures or walls that you would 'collide' with and stores a value to the Collision Detection Address based on if there was or wasn't an object to collide with in the direction you are trying to go. The value of this address could be almost any- thing the developer wants to use. Most common is 0 (Cant Walk), and 1 (Can Walk). Although with the release of this FAQ, developers are going to get smarter and use different values.. :( But oh well, we can deal with it. Now that you know this info, on to the actual searching methods. ****************************************************************** The Actual Searching Method!! ****************************************************************** There are 2 ways to go about this, you can do the 'Known' value search method. Or the 'Unknown' value search method. 1) The 'Known' Value Search Method: This method, you are assuming the value is 0 for when you cant walk, and 1 when you can walk. Now, here's the critical part. This value changes based on whether or not you are moving, or if you are not moving. So, while you character is currently walking in a certain direction. (Character HAS to be moving!) Do a search for values Equal to 1. After that has finished the game will restart, keep walking in the same direction until you run into an object/wall. While holding down the direction the object is. (character will be moving their legs, but not going anywhere) Do a search for values Equal to 0. You should have a pretty good size of possibilities. So you do some more searches. Walk to the opposite direction that you are facing. While your character is 'Walking', do a search for values Equal to 1. Walk til you run into an object/wall, and while holding the direction of the object/wall, do a search for values Equal to 0. Then walk in the opposite direction til you run into an object/wall, do a search for values Equal to 0. (Why 0, because the value should be the same as before, meaning you couldn't walk then, and you cant walk now.) Keep repeating these methods, until you get a respectable amount of possibilities to search for. Once you start going thru the possibilities, your Walk Thru Walls code, will be the address and the last 4 digits of 0001. And once you put it in shark, it should work. 2) The 'Unknown' Value Search Method: This method is for use with games that Method 1 did not work in. This method, you don't assume what the values are, you just know that they are different based on whether you can walk, or can not walk. Same as before, do an Initial search when you are currently walking. (Character HAS to be moving!) Then when you run into an object/wall, do a different to search. Then walk in the opposite direction, do a different to search. Walk til you hit an object/wall, do another different to search. Then walk back in the opposite direction til you hit an object/wall, do an equal to search. (Because the value should be the same as before, meaning you couldn't walk then, and you cant walk now.) the previous search you took where you couldn't walk.) Keep repeating these methods, until you get a respectable amount of possibilities to search for. Once you start going thru the possibilities, your Walk Thru Walls code, will be the address and the last 4 digits will be the value the code was when you were walking. And once you put it in shark, it should work. ****************************************************************** 3D Game Specification ****************************************************************** Due to the nature of this method, it may or may not be possible to do with a 3D game. The logic behind it all is this: In a 2D game, you can move at the most in 4 directions, up/down/left/right. In a 3D game, you can move in 360 Degrees, so the developer has to cope with this as well, and probably will use different routines. The above method should still work, provided that when you are running into an object/wall, you are running into it 'Head On'. 'Head On' means, that while holding the direction of the object/ wall, you're character doesnt turn, face, or go in any other direction. And in all reality, there's not many places you can do this. Sometimes, you can just hold 'Up' when you are directly facing a wall, and sometimes you cant. When you cant, I suggest trying a corner in a room. :) ****************************************************************** Tips & Tricks Of The Trade ****************************************************************** Now, there are some key tips to finding this type of code. 1) You found the code that lets you walk thru walls, but only in left/right or up/down directions!! DOH!!! Here's what you need to do. Make a Joker Code for the game, and lets just say the code you made works in the 'Right' direction. Lets say, the Joker Code for this game was a normal Joker Code and the code was. D0123456 ???? And the Walk Thru Walls code you made only worked in the 'Left/Right' directions. If you put in these codes: D0123456 2000 80XXXXXX XXXX << Walk Thru Walls Code You Made Goes Here. D0123456 8000 80XXXXXX XXXX << Walk Thru Walls Code You Made Goes Here. It will now work in the 'Left/Right' directions, with no lock ups. And now, you need to find out the Walk Thru Walls code for the 'Up/Down' directions. So, repeat the searching method used to find the 'Left/Right' code, but this time, walk 'Up' and 'Down'. 2) You cant get it down to a lower amount of possibilities. What I would do, is walk in one direction til I hit an object/wall, and do the appropriate search, then walk in the other direction til I hit an object/wall and do an Equal to search. Or even do an Equal to Search while your character is walking in opposite directions. Also, another key way to reduce possibilities, is to do an equal to search in different parts of the map. I.E. If you walked 'Right' til you hit an object/wall, did the appropriate search. Walk up some more on the map, and walk 'Right' til you hit an object/wall up there, and do an Equal to search. (This helps quite a bit usually. Try and make it not be part of the same object/wall though. If you are walking into a house, walk around in the town til you get to a different house, etc..) 3) The above 2 methods didn't work. This means the game probably changes the value based on what direction you are heading. So, you need to use search for it in the same direction only. Like so: Initial search while walking 'Right', do an Initial search. Walk til you hit an object/wall, while holding 'Right', do a Different to search. Then walk to the left, and then back to the right til you hit an object/wall, while holding 'Right', do an Equal to search. Then walk to the left, and then back to the right, and while walking 'Right', do a Different to search. Keep repeating these steps only in the 'Right' direction. 4) Last but not least, the code you found only works in Towns, or only works in the Overworld Map. Plain and simple almost ALL Walk Thru Walls codes will be like this. You just have to search again in the area where the code doesn't work. ****************************************************************** And There You Have It... ****************************************************************** There you have it!! The first EVER Walk Thru Walls FAQ on how to make them, and you even can make them with any code searching device. And you can also make them without the HOURS of work that I myself have done in the past. I know this will save me some major headaches in the future to come!! ****************************************************************** Credits & Greetz!! ****************************************************************** Credits: FAQ 100% Written By Code Master (So Far) Game Software Code Creators Club Proofreading Credits: Insane Clown -------- Greetz: GSCCC Members: - ViperByte, Jackel, Cain, Nightmare, Alanlav, Raysurx, Barubary, - Robb, Sage ( GSC Members: - Kong, ShadowKnight, Crocc, Macrox, FoxDie, Zap2, AdultLink, - The Phantom, Freeza ( (I know I have missed a lot of members, but those are the ones I know :)) Other: - Slab, Nitestash, Infected, Netsewn, Number 12 ************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Software Code Creators Club ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find any mistakes in this FAQ, Spelling, Methods, Or Have anything to add to it, please send the updates to [email protected]. So I can add them. Yes, your name will be in the credits and you will get credit for your new ideas. If its just a spelling error, I guess I can add a credit for "Spelling Errors Fixed"? LOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like this FAQ, and would find more FAQ's like these useful in the future, please email your thoughts to [email protected] and GSCCC might write some more FAQ's in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, until next time, keep those PC's hacking and Cheat Devices cracking. And Most of ALL, THANX FOR SUPPORTING GSCCC!!! ************************************************************************* ----------------- -------------------------------- *************************************************************************